Donnerstag, 11. März 2010

One Big worked Video with Trance music

This video is the last that i made, this is my second video in this year 2010, you can sehe some awsome Grand Theft Auto IV video scene taked from Youtube, diferent scenes and diferent Music and Video effetcs The song is by DJ Merlin & DJ C-Bass and the song name is Tha Human spirit, ita a extended Mix.
I find this video very awsome i hope you like it. The video Tittle: Best of GTA IV by DJ Lasan.

Mittwoch, 10. März 2010

The Best of Tom & Jerry by Lansan

Lansan - Music in me

Hi I´m Lansan and that´s me, I´m a bigger Trance and Techno fan, like you, I hope XD

I like to mix and to work music video and paste Trance music like a VJ

you can find my videos on Youtube, i hope you liked it